Freephone: 0800 000 488 | Unit 4/ 242 Ferry Road Waltham Christchurch

Prospark Auto Electrical

Prospark Auto Electrical

Ben, owner of Prospark Auto Electrical in Upper Hutt, has been in business for five years and relies on Get Electronic to handle complex repairs. Known for their expertise, David and his team have consistently helped Ben solve even the most challenging electronic issues in vehicles. Ben appreciates their honesty, problem-solving skills, and practical approach, making Get Electronic his preferred choice for reliable, efficient service. With excellent support from both David and his son Junior, Ben highly recommends Get Electronic to other businesses in the area.

Can you please give me a short brief about your business, and how you came to use Get Electronic? – I started the business about five years ago. It took me a while to find a decent apprentice, so there are just the two of us here. I’m thinking maybe I need to hire an office person, because I’m more valuable out on the floor than in the office!

How long have you been using Get Electronic? –  I heard about them through word of mouth right from the beginning.

What specific electronic systems or parts do you most frequently use them for? – repairing ABS modules? Well to be honest, they can repair anything, it doesn’t matter what it is.

How has using Get Electronic impacted the efficiency and accuracy of diagnosing issues in the vehicle you’re working on? – David is like an encyclopedia. If you’ve got a problem he’ll find a way to fix it.

Can you describe any particular situations where Get Electronic helped you to resolve a really challenging issue?   – Not one particular issue, it happens all the time!  I’ll ring David with some ideas of how to fix something, he’ll say ‘give us a minute’, then he goes away, looks it up on Google, and next thing you know he’s bought it and  having a play around to see if it works!  I always give him the weird stuff to solve, and when we get together as a team, nine times out of time ten we sort it.

How does the quality of Get Electronic’s work stack up in comparison to other companies you’ve used in the past?   –  I have used other companies occassionally, but even though David might be a bit dearer, I don’t have a problem with that as I know he’ll do the job. Plus I  love his realism, he’ll be honest if it’s not fixable.

Have you had any interactions with their team for the likes of technical support etc? If so, how was the experience? –  I speak a lot with Junior Dave (David’s son) and he’s just as helpful as his father!

Would you recommend Get Electronic to other companies? – Absolutely, and I do, alot. There would be half a dozen businesses in this area that now use them.

Are there any features and/or improvements you’d like to see in their services? – No.

Is there anything more you’d like to add about your relationship with David and the team at Get Electronic? They’re just really good people to deal with. Always straight up, they’ll definitely tell you if you’re wasting your time, and I appreciate that!”

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